Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform about the Baltic-Nordic Initiative CHILDREN‘S DOCTORS AGAINST THE WAR: CALL FOR ACTION. We thank all of those who signed and morally supported the petition.

The initial initiative of paediatric societies of Baltic and Nordic countries was launched on 10 March 2022. During the first 36 hours, the initiative was supported by more than 100 signatures of world opinion leaders in paediatrics, including signatures of 30+ national and international paediatric societies.

We would like to ask you to publish this on the websites of National Societies, send it to national governments and parliaments and distribute it among your own networks.

Download the PDF with signatures here.

See the News & Updates Section of the EAP’s website, where it has already been published.

Your continuous support to advocate for children’s safety and the provision of professional support for children’s doctors and nurses in Ukraine is appreciated sincerely. Our voices are stronger than rockets and bombs! Slava Ukraine

Volunteer children help other children from refugee families in Chernovtsi, Ukraine
Volunteer children help other children from refugee families in Chernovtsi, Ukraine

Sincerely Yours,

Prof. Arunas Valiulis