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The 8th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies

Barcelona, Spain

October 16-20, 2020


Abstract Submission Deadline: April 6, 2020

EAPS 2020 is the top meeting place to keep up to date with latest advancements in all areas of paediatric medicine and child health.

The Congress provides you with the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience with like-minded colleagues and the leaders in the paediatric field.

Dedicated to the motto ‘Shaping the Future of Child Health’, the congress offers a platform for discussing free scientific papers, opportunities for early career participants to be exposed to professionals working in a range of sub-specialties, and diverse and informative sessions presented by world-renowned international scientists and clinicians. Here you can find more information: https://eaps2020.kenes.com/

Be part of this outstanding event and submit your research today!

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Scheduled Arhiv dogodkov
Barcelona Map